Your Health is Secured Program - Group

The " Your Health is Secured " insurance program provided by Al-Ahlia Insurance Company provides health insurance service to all institutions in the public and private sector and covers treatment services according to the category of coverage required which includes detection and diagnosis expenses, treatment, medicines, etc. at the largest network of accredited medical centers and hospitals in most governorates.

Advantages of the program:

• Insurance cover categories are varied (Silver - Gold - Platinum ).

• One year's insurance is renewed every year based on the wishes of the insured and the approval of the company.

• The treatment shall be within the approved medical network specified according to the requirements of the document as well as outside the network according to the wishes of the affiliate.

• The company provides the insured with an insurance card for use when referring to the medical network.

• Medical approvals section available 24/7.

• The possibility of adding other covers according to customer's request (eyes, teeth, etc.)

• Prices are negotiable according to the number of affiliates to be insured.

Health insurance program – group - Silver Offer


General Information

1.1Cover includes all members of the
organization according to their name lists and
dates of birth "day/month/year" on a disk
(CD) and EXCEL
Permanent or temporary employees who are on duty
at the beginning of the insurance
and who will join work after the start of the insurance
and during the period of validity of the policy
and from the date of their commencement of the work
1.2Annual balance per affiliate in Iraqi dinars
(All amounts in Iraqi dinars)
7,500,000 hospitalizations
300,000 External examinations
300,000 Doctor Visits
300,000 Medication
1.4Geographical scopeIraq
1.5Expanded geographical scope - only in the absence of treatment in the original country Covered in Asian subcontinent
United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Kuwait
Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey
any other country in the Middle East


2.1Treatment for emergencies and accidents outside the coverageCovered in Asian subcontinent
countries, United Arab Emirates, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey and
any other country in the Middle East

Hospitalization and day care

2.2.1Staying in Hospital Single Room CoverageFull coverage per the policy’s limit
2.2.2Consultation a specialized doctor Full coverage per the policy’s limit
2.2.3Intensive careFull coverage per the policy’s limit
2.2.4Radiation, tissue specialists, diagnosis tests and procedures.Full coverage per the policy’s limit
2.2.5Day care situationsFull coverage per the policy’s limit
2.2.6Physical TherapyCovered with prior approval up to 200,000 IQD

Hospitalization and treatment at clinics

Covered up to 200,000 IQD
2.3.1Local emergency (necessary conditions)50,000 per case
2.3.2Home nursing prescribed by a doctor50,000 per case
2.3.3Rehabilitation of ParentsN/C
2.3.4physical deformitiesN/C
2.3.5Alternative treatment (such as cupping)N/C
2.3.7Medical equipmentN/C
2.3.8Transfer of the body to the country of originN/C
2.3.9Medical evacuation and transportationCovered within the region as indicated in the policy
2.3.10psychological treatmentN/C
2.3.11Injuries during workCovered
2.3.12Hospital Cash Benefits N/C

Treatment at clinics and practices

Full coverage
2.4.1Consultation a specialized doctor Covered with 20% participation
2.4.2Radiation, tissue specialists, diagnosis tests and procedures. Covered with 20% participation
2.4.3Laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests Covered with 20% participation
2.4.4Medications Prescribed by Doctor Covered with 20% participation
2.4.5Simple procedures such as fractures and wounds Covered with 20% participation
2.4.6Physiotherapy which includes massage,
laser, radio and magnetic radiation,
shortwave, microwave, pulling, ozone
exercise, thermotherapy,
cold and ultrasound
Covered with 20% participation
2.4.7One day surgery Covered with 20% participation

Pregnancy coverage

2.5.1Natural birthCovered up to 750,000 IQD
2.5.2C-sectionCovered up to 750,000 IQD
2.5.3Legal abortionCovered up to 500,000 IQD
2.5.4Pregnancy ComplicationsCovered up 250,000

Pre-existing conditions

Full coverage

chronic conditions


Implantation and prostheses


Waiting period after issuance of the policy

3.1Pregnancy, childbirth and its aftermathSix months
3.2Rhinoplasty, tonsils and their aftermathNine months
3.3Arteries, heart operations, hemorrhoids, and their aftermathSix months
3.4Dermatology and Joint OperationsSix months

Annual instalments in dinars (by age group)

4.1Less than 18362,067

to apply for the fire insurance program (your health is secured – groups) please apply here.